move ~ breathe ~ connect ~

move ~ breathe ~ connect ~

Wednesdays and Fridays



Breath is the movement of life, the constant expansion and contraction.

In this class we will explore how the breath connects the mind and body, as well as how we can cultivate certain states of consciousness with certain breath patterns.

Therapeutic yoga


Yoga designed to deepen self awareness and cultivate more ease in the body. An extremely gentle practice that brings mobility and strength to the joints.



Yogic singing - the art of singing mantra to focus the mind and find a state of meditation.

Private yoga

Kaitlyn has spent the last five years studying and teaching yoga around the world. She is passionate about how yoga creates a space in which to know oneself deeper. This personal knowledge is extremely empowering.

Her classes include therapeutic movements, breathwork and tuning into the energy systems in the body. Private yoga allows for the space to really focus in on a certain intention. This is a place to move through life transitions, recover from injuries, learn about your specific body and mind, or deepen a relationship to the practice.

For 1-5 people at a time.

One to six sessions.